Bestowed Home Box



It’s not easy to eat healthy. You might not even know for sure when you’re shopping what is healthy and what isn’t. You can take some of the guesswork out of what is best for you to eat with Bestowed. This is a website dedicated to making sure you have plenty of healthy snacks on hand so you can eat right without worry or too much hassle. Strolling up and down aisles at the supermarket it is easy to get overwhelmed by the multitude of items that make healthy and smart eating claims, but you can’t always be sure you can trust those claims. With Bestowed you can remove the guesswork and remove yourself from the temptations of all those other treats and snacks when you go shopping. Simply join up with Bestowed and have healthy snacks you can trust delivered right to your door. Each and every product offered by Bestowed has been selected by a team of experts so you can satisfy that snacking craving with something good for you. Before you decide if Bestowed is right for you, you can check out past boxes on the website so you can get an idea of just what kind of products you can expect to receive. In one box products such as Eboost, Lavle Flavanol Rich Belgian Dark Chocolate, Somersaults Dutch Cocoa Sunflower Seed Bites and Morinaga Mori-Nu Organic Tofu were sent out. You can be sure that every item is put to the test before Bestowed adds it to their selections. Each product is reviewed by nutrition and food experts. These products must pass a standard of being made with all natural ingredients, have no artificial preservatives, colors, sweeteners or flavors, be organic when possible, be made with sustainable ingredients and have no trans fat, high fructose corn syrup or partially-hydrogenate oils so that you know these will help you eat healthier. By signing up with Bestowed you can stock your home with snacks that are good for you so you can freely feed those night-time desires with something that won’t give you nightmares or make you feel guilty. Instead, you will know that you’re making good choices and establishing better eating habits that will benefit you for a lifetime.



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